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Boxing and technique 2.0

Considering starting boxing? This comprehensive article provides you with an in-depth insight into what to expect. We cover essential aspects such as the basic stance, jab, cross, and hook. Additionally, we explore when, how, and why you should use these techniques.

Basic Stance in Boxing

A proper basic stance is crucial before engaging in punches. While it may seem mundane, it is the key to success. With a solid basic stance, you can react faster to situations, enhance the power of your punches, and always maintain balance, whether attacking, defending, or changing direction. The perfect stance is unique to your style, skills, and body type. It may differ from that of your favorite boxer. Our goal is to teach everyone a classic boxing stance, the foundation upon which you can develop your own style.

Balance, stability, mobility, and the range of the jab and cross are crucial in this stance. In boxing, we distinguish between orthodox and southpaw fighters. For right-handed individuals, the right hand is the rear (cross), and the left hand is the lead (jab), and vice versa for left-handed individuals. The basic stance, also known as the neutral position, is where you always return. It ensures that you can put the full body weight behind each punch.

To get into the orthodox boxing stance, point your front foot toward your opponent or at an angle of 0-20 degrees to the right. The rear foot is at a 45-degree angle to the right. A wide stance is essential for stability and balance. Avoid a too narrow stance, which limits the power and range of your cross. The position of your feet, bending of the knees, position of the elbows, fists at the cheek, and chin down are all essential elements of the basic stance.

Steps for the Basic Stance:

  1. Legs at hip-width.

  2. Take a step forward with your lead foot (orthodox or southpaw).

  3. Lead foot toes point straight forward or inward (0-25 degrees).

  4. Rear foot is at a 45-degree angle pointing outward.

  5. Shift weight to the balls of your feet.

  6. Distribute your weight evenly on both feet.

  7. Slight bend in the knees.

  8. Keep your elbows close to the body, fists at the level of your cheek, and your lead hand 5-10 cm in front.

  9. Chin down, look along the bottom of your eyebrows.

  10. Roll your shoulders slightly forward.

Check our programs here for further instructions and guidance.

Boxing with the Jab

The jab is the most important punch in boxing. It can be used for attacking, defending, countering, scoring points, controlling distance, and disrupting your opponent. It is the longest and fastest weapon that also consumes the least energy. The jab is ideal for starting any combination. Throwing a jab makes you less vulnerable to counters compared to other punches.

In matches, you rarely see a static jab; in almost all punches, foot movement is involved. The step jab is a commonly used technique where you use gravity and your body weight to put momentum behind the jab. Step forward, and at the moment your lead foot touches the floor, your jab makes contact with the target.

Key Points for the Jab:

  • Exhale and rotate your fist so that the palm faces the ground at the moment of impact.

  • The arm is fully extended at the moment of impact, with the shoulder almost or fully in contact with the ear to protect the face.

  • Keep the rest of the body almost still during the jab.

  • The elbow comes straight up to give away as few signals as possible.

  • Take a small step with each jab; the jab hits the target at the same time as the lead foot touches the ground.

  • Pull the arm back in a straight line directly to the guard and immediately return to the boxing stance.

Don'ts with the Jab:

  • Don't load the jab by lowering or retracting it before throwing; give away as few signals as possible.

  • Don't roll the jab back after throwing it; pull it back explosively in a horizontal line.

  • Don't move your body forward while throwing the jab.

  • Don't lift your elbow to the side before the jab; avoid giving signals.

  • Don't pull your hand back too early; fully extend and use your reach.

  • Don't push, but punch.

Boxing with the Cross

The cross, a powerful punch that seamlessly follows a jab, is essential for every boxer. It involves the use of the rear hand and requires careful coordination of movements. In this comprehensive report, we explore the technique, strategies, and key points of the cross in boxing.

Technique of the Cross

The cross is a punch executed by the rear hand. What makes this punch unique is the full rotation of the body, making it a potential knockout punch. However, like any powerful punch, the cross makes you vulnerable to counterattacks. It is crucial to keep the elbow slightly bent, creating a looping effect, as seen in the overhand right. This makes it more challenging for your opponent to predict your defense.

Movements and Strategies

  1. Stepping Out: Similar to the jab, you can step out while throwing the cross. This not only increases the power of the punch but also offers strategic advantages. In situations where you are pressed against the ropes, stepping out with a cross and immediately turning away reduces the pressure from your opponent.

  2. Using Gravity: Another advanced strategy is using gravity. By lowering yourself while throwing the cross, you increase the power and effectiveness of the punch. This technique can be useful when striking an opponent with a lower profile, such as after successfully dodging an attack.

  3. Combining with the Jab: A smart way to add extra power to your cross is by throwing it directly after your jab. It is essential to explosively retract the jab. The push of your rear hand and the pull of your lead hand create a circulating force around your spine, giving your cross additional impact.

  4. Head Movement: When throwing the cross, moving your head is crucial. You must always move out of the danger zone, meaning your head should not be directly in front of your opponent. By moving your head, you make it harder for your opponent to land an accurate counterattack.

Key Points in Throwing the Cross

When executing the cross, there are several key points to keep in mind:

  • Foot Position: Turn the rear foot with the heel outward (90 degrees). This helps in rotating the hip and upper body during the punch.

  • Weight Shift: Shift the weight to the lead leg during the extension of the punch. Exhale to generate power.

  • Fist Rotation: Rotate the fist during the punch and finish with the palm facing down. This rotation adds power and stability to the punch.

  • Shoulder and Ear: Rotate with the shoulder and ensure that at the moment of impact, the shoulder and ear have almost or complete contact. This helps in protecting your face.

  • Arm Retraction: Pull the arm straight back to the guard immediately after the moment of impact. Return directly to the boxing stance to protect yourself from possible counterattacks.

Things to avoid:

  1. Turning elbow outward before the punch: This makes you vulnerable and predictable to your opponent.

  2. Don't lean too far forward: Stay balanced to react quickly to changing situations.

  3. Don't retract your punches too quickly: Make your punches long and controlled to remain effective.

  4. Don't stay static with your head: Constantly move your head to minimize the chance of getting hit.

The cross is a powerful weapon in a boxer's arsenal. It requires practice, precision, and strategic insight to effectively use this punch while protecting yourself against potential counterattacks. Integrating the right techniques and focal points into your training routine will help you throw the cross with confidence and precision.

Boxing with the Hook:

The hook, a powerful punch that naturally follows a cross or specific defensive maneuvers, is considered a true knockout punch. This technique has the advantage of surprise as the attack comes from a different direction, making it harder for the opponent to defend and significantly increasing the chance of a knockout. Although the hook is highly effective in hitting the opponent's body, it also brings vulnerability because you need to be close to execute the punch.

Effect of the Hook after Cross or Defense The hook is a punch that must be executed with power and precision, especially as it is often deployed after a cross or in response to specific defensive techniques. The element of surprise is crucial, and the boxer must effectively throw off their opponent's balance to achieve the maximum impact of the hook.

Pros and Cons of the Hook The hook offers significant advantages, but it also presents some challenges. One of the main benefits is the difficulty for the opponent to anticipate and defend against the punch. The hook is also highly effective in hitting the opponent's body, making it a valuable weapon in a boxer's arsenal. However, the limited distance you can cover with a hook exposes you to counterattacks. Standing at close range, you risk being hit by quick punches from your opponent. It, therefore, requires a strategic approach to effectively use the hook.

Quick Hook: Technique and Execution A quick hook requires a smooth execution, emphasizing speed and precision. The following steps are essential when performing a quick hook:

  1. Footwork: Push off the ground as you rotate your hip and heel. This movement generates the necessary power for the punch.

  2. Body Movement: Start with the lower body, followed by the upper body. This ensures a controlled and coordinated movement.

  3. Elbow Movement: Throw your elbow over the imaginary fence. This contributes to the speed and sharpness of the hook.

  4. Fist Position: The fist can be held horizontally or vertically, depending on what feels most natural for the boxer.

Powerful Hook: Technique and Execution A powerful hook requires more strength and a conscious transfer of body weight. Here are the key steps for performing a powerful hook:

  1. Shoulder Movement: Rotate your right shoulder toward your right knee while your heel turns outward (orthodox position).

  2. Weight Distribution: Shift the weight to the front leg, with approximately 60% of the weight on the front leg. The right knee slightly falls inward.

  3. Heel and Hip Rotation: Rotate the heel and hips to generate power in the shot. This rotation contributes to the impact of the hook.

  4. Weight Transfer: Throw all your weight from your left leg to your right leg. This strengthens the power of the punch.

  5. Arm Position: Bring the left elbow up until it is parallel to the floor. This ensures an optimal position for delivering the powerful hook.

  6. Abdominal Muscle Tension: Tighten your abdominal muscles during the punch and explosively rotate your hip and torso. This contributes to the stability and power of the punch.

It takes time and dedication to master both a quick and powerful hook effectively. Both approaches have their applications in different situations, and it's up to the boxer to determine which technique is most suitable based on the context of the fight.

In conclusion, the hook provides a powerful attacking option for boxers, but it requires skill, strategy, and accuracy to deploy it effectively while ensuring protection against potential counterattacks. Practice, training, and understanding the nuances of this technique are essential for boxers looking to refine and diversify their skills.


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