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Boxing Technique

Basic stance in boxing

Before you start throwing punches, you need to make sure your basic stance is correct. It may seem a bit boring, but this is the most important thing of all. If your basic stance is correct, everything else will come naturally, and you'll be able to react much faster to situations. You'll hit harder since your power will come from the ground, and more importantly, you'll always be balanced. It doesn't matter what attack, defense, or direction you go in, you'll always come back to this position! The perfect stance is one that's suitable for your style, skills, body type, strengths, and weaknesses, and it probably won't be the same as your favorite boxer's. We teach everyone a classic boxing stance, and once you've mastered this stance, you can develop your own style. In this stance, balance, stability, mobility, and range of the jab and cross are the most important factors. In boxing, we have orthodox and southpaw fighters. If you're right-handed, your right hand will be your rear hand (cross) and your left hand your lead hand (jab). This means your left foot will also be in front of your right foot. If you're left-handed, your left hand will be your rear hand (cross) and your right hand your lead hand (jab). The basic stance is the boxing stance you always return to, better known as the neutral position. It's also important for putting your entire body weight behind your punch.

The most common boxing stance is orthodox, where your strong hand is always your rear hand and is often the hand that can do the most damage to your opponent. To get into the boxing stance, do the following:

Your lead foot should be pointed at your opponent or at an angle of 0-20 degrees to the right (orthodox). Your rear foot should be at a 45-degree angle to the right. Some trainers teach you the width by putting a straight line on the floor. If the toe of your lead foot and the heel of your rear foot touch the line, you're in balance. What we often see with people with a martial arts background is a narrow stance. This way, your cross misses a lot of range. You'll also quickly lose your balance when attacking or defending. You also make yourself vulnerable because your opponent can more easily get his right foot outside your lead foot, making it easier for him to hit you with both hands. Your jab has a lot of range, but your cross is far away, making it easier for your opponent to see it coming. Always try to be in a position where you can kick a football with your rear leg without your lead foot getting in the way. Then you know you're in balance. We'll go deeper into the boxing stance later.

✔ Legs hip-width apart

✔ Take a step forward with your lead foot (orthodox or southpaw)

✔ Lead foot pointing straight ahead or slightly inward (0-25 degrees)

✔ Back foot at a 45-degree angle pointing outward

✔ Shift weight onto the balls of your feet

✔ Evenly distribute weight between both feet

✔ Slightly bend your knees

✔ Keep your elbows close to your body to protect your organs and hold your fists at cheekbone level with your lead hand 5-10cm in front

✔ Tuck your chin down and look through the bottom of your eyebrows

✔ Roll your shoulders slightly forward.


Boxing with the jab

The most important punch in boxing! It can be used for attacking, defending, countering, scoring points, determining distance, and disrupting opponents. The jab is the most important punch; it is your longest and fastest weapon and consumes the least amount of energy. This makes it perfect for starting any combination. When throwing the jab, you do not expose yourself to counters as you do with other punches. Boxers often throw the jab repeatedly until they see an opening to strike with other powerful combinations.

You rarely see a static jab in a match. For almost all punches, you also take a step with your feet. The step jab is a well-known technique. This way, you use gravity and your body weight to put momentum behind the jab. This gives you more range, speed, and power. Step forward and, at the moment your front foot touches the ground, make contact with the target with your jab.


✔ Exhale and rotate your fist until your palm faces the ground at the moment of impact.

✔ Your arm is fully extended at the moment of impact, and your shoulder is almost or fully in contact with your ear to protect your face.

✔ Keep the rest of your body still when throwing the jab.

✔ Raise your elbow straight up to give as little signal as possible.

✔ Jab step: Take a small step with each jab, and the jab hits the target at the same time as your front foot touches the ground. If your front foot steps forward 5 cm, immediately close the gap with your back foot to return to your boxing stance.

✔ Pull your arm straight back to your guard in a straight line immediately after the moment of impact and return directly to your boxing stance.

Do not:

  1. Load your jab by dropping or pulling it back before throwing it. Try to give off as few signals as possible.

  2. After throwing your jab, do not roll it back but explosively pull it back in a horizontal line.

  3. Do not lean your body forward when throwing the jab.

  4. Do not lift your elbow to the side before the jab, do not give off signals.

  5. Do not pull your hand back too early, fully extend and use your reach.

  6. Do not push, but punch.

Boxing with the cross

This punch comes very naturally after a jab. The cross is a powerful punch thrown with your rear hand. Fully rotating your body makes it a true knockout punch. However, the cross does leave you vulnerable to other counters. The elbow can also be slightly bent to get a looping effect (overhand right) to punch around your opponent's defense.

You can also step out while throwing the cross, just like with the jab. This way, you can add even more power to your cross. It's also a useful strategy to get out of uncomfortable situations, such as being against the ropes. You can step out with a cross and immediately turn away. More on this later. Another possibility is to use gravity and lower yourself while throwing the cross. When you throw the cross while boxing, make sure to move your head out of the danger zone. Always move your head to make yourself less vulnerable. When you throw the cross right after your jab, you can generate extra power by pulling back your jab explosively. By the push of your rear hand and the pull of your front hand, you can create a circulating force around your spine.


✔ Pivot back foot with heel outwards (90 degrees), rotate hip and torso into the punch.

✔ Shift weight onto front leg, exhale during punch extension, rotate fist during punch and end with palm facing downwards.

✔ Rotate with the shoulder, and at the moment of impact, the shoulder and ear have almost or complete contact.

✔ Pull arm back in a straight line directly to the guard after impact and immediately return to boxing stance.

Do not:

  1. Rotate elbow outwards before the punch.

  2. Lean too far forward, stay balanced.

  3. Do not pull back your punches too quickly, make them long.

  4. Do not stay static with your head, move at all times.


Boxing with the hook

This powerful punch flows very naturally after a cross or certain defenses, making the hook a true knockout punch. It comes from a different angle, making it perfect for surprising your opponent. It is harder to defend against and significantly increases the chances of a knockout because the opponent often doesn't see it coming. Your lead hook is the most effective punch to the body due to the boxing stance. The disadvantage of the hook is the distance you can cover, as you will have to be quite close to your opponent to hit them, which makes you vulnerable to their punches.

There are two types of hooks in boxing: a fast hook and a powerful hook. A fast hook is set by rotating your heel outwards and sharply rotating your hip. You can also make your hook more powerful by slipping to the side of your lead leg or after a cross (more on slipping later). This will shift your weight distribution so that approximately 60% of your weight is on your lead leg. By using the correct footwork, hip rotation, and torso movement, you can transfer this weight to the other side, giving your hook much more power.

This takes more time and makes your opponent see it coming earlier. Both hooks have their advantages and disadvantages in different situations.

Fast hook:

✔ Push off the ground while rotating your hip and heel.

✔ First move your lower body, then your upper body.

✔ Throw your elbow over the gate.

✔ Fist can be held horizontally or vertically, whatever feels most natural.

Powerful hook:

✔ Turn your right shoulder toward your right knee while rotating your heel outward (orthodox).

✔ Shift weight 60/40 on your front foot, right knee slightly inward.

✔ Pivot your heel and hips to generate power in the shot.

✔ Transfer all your weight from your left leg to your right leg.

✔ Raise your left elbow up to be parallel to the floor.

✔ Tighten your core muscles during the punch and explosively rotate your hip and torso into the punch.


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